ISBN 9791220063630
A proposal for the treatment of interstitial pneumonia and pulmonary thromboembolism.
Doctor G.A. Giannotti is willing to specify that his book is like a reference for actual medicine and future one to gain the war against for all virus infections. That’s the reason why Doctor G.A. Giannotti chose orange for the cover, a positive color that gives hope. The book analyses all epidemics from virus in the world in the last centuries. You also find Hahnemann‘s principles, the German doctor, the founder of homeopathic medicine.
The book wants to let the reader know that homeopathy is not a second class medicine, that it is based on scientific method. The patient must be an active part in the healing process and as well be conscious of the laws of homeopathy and the iter that brings to healing.
In the book it’s also described the way to take the remedy and the specific medicines for healing. You should start the “highly suggestive” off-label therapy only when coronavirus Covid-19 test is positive, but now, is not anymore possible to find this device. Don’t wait till interstitial pneumonia begins. We begin Giannotti’s off-label therapy immediately when distress respiratory symptoms start. Fever and caught are not sufficient conditions to begin with the Giannotti’s homeopathic treatment. You have to check positivity to Covid-19.
It’s very important to follow the indications in the book. No auto prescriptions! Get in touch with your homeopathic medical doctor! These homeopathic off-label therapy cannot be used officially in hospitals. Nobody can stop patients from using them at home in the name of “therapeutical free will”.
This is a great limit between allopathic and homeopathic medicine. We must reach a cooperation between the two types of Medicine, so to win against this novel coronavirus and any other virus in the future.
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